Hello ya'all! I just joined this here forum to make some connections with other of the animation sort!
I graduated from Sheridan College a year ago now, and since then been living with my family... of ENGINEERS! ^_^* Luv 'em, but I don't have anyone who can give me any good artistic critiquing...
I'm just gonna throw some of my links at ya, and anyone who has any time to take a gander and toss some advice my way, it would be greatly appreciated! I would love to give advice as well, though I don't feel I'm too qualified for it... but if I can help in any way don't hesitate to ask!
My Animation Blog: www.silverskyestudio.animationblogspot.com
My Portfolio: www.trishahartnett.daportfolio.com
My Reel: http://silverskyestudio.animationblogspot.com/2008/05/12/animation-reel/
My Senior Student Short: http://silverskyestudio.animationblogspot.com/tag/animations/2008-final-film/
Thank you in advance for your time! :D
I checked out your web site at a local internet place, because I am dial up.
Your animatic was excellent. If you ever finishes it, I am sure it will do well at the festivals.
Have you thought about interning at studios to get some production experience and refine what you learned at Sheridan?
Yes, I have thought a lot about it and I would LOVE to! However, many internships are for still enrolled students. I have applied to any I find for non students or graduates, however! I have even sent reels to places without specifc intern dates (like "we are interested in interns at any time! Drop us a line!") No luck yet :( Makes me wish I were still in school in order to get a good internship... Cartoon Network has a ton but all for students.
I realize I really really need more experience... Do you know of any internships for graduates or places that would be interested? I'm willing to relocate for sure!
Well, unless you're willing to relocate as far as Germany, sorry, can't help you there. The studio where I work takes interns all the time, although only those staying six months at the very least get to work with actual production material.
Thank you very much for your nice comment! By animatic, do you mean the one with the totem poles?