I'v been producing an animated web series called "Deeds Of Yore" that takes place in an 80's computer game. It's almost all animated, but the first two episodes are live action. Check it out...
"Deeds Of Yore" 8 bit animated web series
By swordofbane | Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at 3:55pm
"Deeds Of Yore" 8 bit animated web series
Wow,I like this!:D
simple and interesting!
Thanks! A lot more to come. This week is the mid-season finale, so it's on the exciting side.
Here's the latest "Deeds Of Yore" episode. "The Princess"...
Episode 12
This is the mid-season finale for "Deeds Of Yore", it's a great episode
The Ghouls Of Gharn