an animation called "The Balancing" (im still trying to think up a better name)

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an animation called "The Balancing" (im still trying to think up a better name)

i just need some help with a few things

first of all a name
but that can come after u read this

im having trouble deciding if its even worth making this animation
its about a race of being with extraordinary abilities
power or magic wat ever u wanna call it
they are much like devils, but have a heart, the heart to care
basically a long time ago balancers first appeared they were called demons and hunted by many
none of the hunts proved successful
but humans tryed anyway
eventually balancers went into hiding and were disgusted by how humans were so quick to judge them... but during that hiding, balancers noticed how humans behaved
most humans had hearts of gold and some were more evil than any devil a balancer could encounter

they noticed how humans constantly and happily harmed members of they own race; rape, pedophelia, murder, sexism, racism, kidnap and other disgusting crimes

balancers took it upon themselves to clean this up as they once did in their own realm

but the more criminals they killed
of course they were seen as heroes by most
but others hated them more and more for it

eventually they discovered where the balancers originally came from and found out how to seal them into that realm for good

balancers were unhappy about this and didnt take no for an answer and soon found a way to break the boundary and escape into the human realm once more, continued doing wat they did
avenging the innocent, how ever again most loved them for it, others despised them for it

and again they were sealed away. this time it was 1000 years till they found their escape. the year 2011. the balancers have watched for 1000 years as human got more and more rotten and the justice system seemed to wanna protect the criminal and take rites from the victim

the balancers couldnt stand watching as a woman was raped and the man got away and to top it off, the law has forbidden the victims rite to an abortion and tethers her to her attacker throo a shared custody of the child

this made the balancers sick and furious
balancers are known to be unforgiving, vengeful, and anger being their weakness, their worst one.

after they had found an escape the balancers carried out wat they use to do
but this time
they bought a centre, a support centre. now not only do they avenge the innocent but they also help them recover from the attack and help them get their lives back on track.
of course the justice system doesnt approve of the balancers methods
the balancers know this, and simply respond with
"we've watched u mess it up for too long"
the way balancers see it; if anyone is capable of hurting someone so terribly for example hmm kidnapping a woman and reducing her to a slave
or murdering an innocent man. if u do that and can still sleep at night. no remorse or nothing. u sold ur humanity a long time ago and are now one of the most evil demons a balancer could set eyes upon.

now wat i need help with is a name
and wat would u prefer
the system's method; justice
or the balancer's method; revenge
do u think this will make a good animation?

You should make it because you wont to make. As for a name, that can come after you finish making it.

thanx for that

but i want people to enjoy it see
and so many people seem dead set against revenge