Looking to start comedy cartoon channel with animator, incl. 2 first draft scripts

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Looking to start comedy cartoon channel with animator, incl. 2 first draft scripts

Hey, I'm Dan, and I had an idea for a comedy animation series for Youtube called 'With Friends Like these', where it's basically 2 kids, one of whom is a major dick to the other one

I've written 2 scripts and will post these below so please have a read and see if you find it funny and would be interested in animating it, or just let me know in the thread if you found it funny or have any feedback (positive or negative)

I have made the Youtube account (currently with no videos or subs) here with a placeholder logo and banner

If you are interested in animating it we would be complete partners.

We could both do voice acting or I'm happy to do that all myself, and I'm also happy to take feedback on any of the scripts and suggestions on jokes

Note - I'm from London so that will definitely come through in a lot of the writing and voice work

Note - A lot of the humour might be considered quite vulgar, although I'm willing to possibly cut that down if you're against it


Script 1

Wide shot of Jake and Barnes eating lunch at a table in cafeteria

Alternating close shots of both of them, talking with food in their mouths

B             OK, my turn. Fuck, marry, kill – a bag a lettuce, a cat, and Ke$ha

J              So I’d definitely marry the lettuce. (pause) Wait, how big is your neighbours cat?

Barnes gives Jake a wtf look, but gets distracted by something behind Jake

B             Oh hey Jake, your little saucepot’s on your 10 or wait… (working out with finger and                       mouthing) yeah, on your 10

Shot of hot girl - named Queef Latifa (doesn’t come up in video (sadly)) - in front of pink background with hearts, walking towards Jake and Barnes

Back to table, Jake looks nervous

J              Oh God, okay, when I finish saying this just pretend like I said something funny OK?

Table with Queef Latifa walking past the table in the background

B             (loudly) Jesus Jake that was a bit fucking racist! After everything Min Jun did for you as well…     you should be ashamed

Barnes storms out, room in silence, Queef Latifa stares at Jake who goes red and keeps eating

Script 2

Jake and Barnes walking along street talking

B             I can’t believe your Dad doesn’t like me. You know what, I’m gonna go talk to him now, give       him some of that famous B-boy charm. He’ll fall head over heels for me

J              Please don’t

Wide shot from behind of them walking

B             Too late. I’ve already thought of it

Jake sighs

Cut to them in front of the house, Jake knocks

J              Just try not to be weird, like that time you said you were a Pokémon called ‘jizztent’ and              refused to say anything else for a whole day

B             You’re just jealous you didn’t think of that first

Dad opens the door, camera pans between Dad and Barnes as they talk

D             So you’re Barnes I presume, Jake’s told us a lot about you

B             All good I hope (trying to be charming)

D             No.

Wider shot with all 3 in, a couple of seconds of silence

B             This one time I had a boner that lasted for like 2 and half hours

D             Why…

Camera pans between Dad and Barnes as they talk

B             Well Miss Congeniality runs for like an hour fifty. The rest was more of a semi if I’m honest          but I still counted it

D             (pause) I was going to ask why the fuck you thought that was appropriate conversation

B             (starts talking but then stops himself) You know I think I’m just gonna go

Barnes leaves, Dad sighs and turns

D             (loudly) Honey, where did you hide my whiskey?


Sorry the formatting's a little off, shouldn't be a major problem though

Also I have a lot of other ideas I haven't fully turned into scripts yet

Thanks for reading, and sub to the channel if you want ;)



Sorry the formatting's a little off, shouldn't be a major problem though

Also I have a lot of other ideas I haven't fully turned into scripts yet

Thanks for reading, and sub to the channel if you want ;)


okay maybeh! :D

Yeah sure I think I may do this with you! :D
I'm a hobbyist looking into wanting to make animations and such!

I'm actually moving to the UK at the end of the month :P 
message me on one of my websites...

The name is Byron Story. 
cape town South Africa.

Look me up on facebook or somewhere! xD 

EMAIL : byronisthechosenone@gmail.com



Hi Dan, 

I just check your youtube channel, also I read your sample script. Still looking for an animator??  

Animation Specialist / Painter