Looking for feedback on my cartoon series web page...

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Looking for feedback on my cartoon series web page...

WELCOME, One and All!
Spread the word and come check out my webpage showcasing my deviant artistic visions.

My "name" is HAPPEE GO'LUCKEY "DaGr8One" bka H.G."Da'Gr8One"
The creator of a series of cartoon shorts entitled, A.M.B.S. (Adulterated Muh'fuckin' B.S.)

As seen on the inter webs!

I'm a Virginia based newbie cartoonist, writer, character and logo designer, comic illustrator, short animation producer, and last but not least an independent "experienced" artist.


HGDaGr8One's picture
"Let your voice be heard, Break away from the flock"

"Let your voice be heard, Break away from the flock"

Edited by: HGDaGr8One on 07/08/2018 - 9:35am

Thanks in advance for any feedback/views.

"Let your voice be heard, Break away from the flock"