Wild Film!, taking place at the Lensic Performing Arts Center in Santa Fe, is produced by Rivers & Birds. Now in its ninth year, Rivers & Birds is an award-winning, nonprofit conservation-education organization providing programs to help people realize their interconnection with all life. All proceeds from the Wild Film Festival benefit Rivers & Birds' experiential conservation-education programs for public school children. Rivers & Birds is teaching the next generation of Earth stewards and, in this spirit, the 2007 Wild Film! festival is being co-produced with the help of the Rivers & Birds' Environmental Youth Interns.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for children for the evening feature films, available at the Lensic box office, 505-988-1234, www.lensic.org, and $5 per person for the "Shorts for Shorties" program, available at the door of the Jean Cocteau Theater. For film descriptions, visit www.riversandbirds.org.