Robert McKee's Genre Weekend

Robert McKee is the most widely known and respected screenwriting teacher in the world. Portrayed in the Oscar-nominated hit ADAPTATION, named Hollywood's Most Wanted Screenwriting Teacher by MOVIELINE magazine, and interviewed by 60 MINUTES correspondent Bob Simon for CBS News' Sunday Morning 2005 Academy Awards Special.

For the first time ever, all four genre classes are being offered in a single weekend. The days include: Horror Day, Thriller Day, Comedy Day and Film Masterpiece Day. Touching on them briefly in his book "Story," the Genre classes have become very popular for writers, producers, directors and creative executives looking for a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of the different genres. During the Comedy Day and Horror Day seminars, McKee illuminates his examples and principles with various clips throughout the day. Thriller Day finds McKee delving into what puts the "thrill" in a Thriller, getting into the mind of the Thriller Protagonist and his/her relationship to the Antagonist. And on Film Masterpiece Day, McKee goes through 3 classic films scene-by-scene breaking down the elements of story, writing and production that lift a great script into a film masterpiece.

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Friday, May 12, 2006 - 11:00am to Monday, May 15, 2006 - 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Friday, May 12, 2006 - 12:00pm
New York