Hello Everyone,
I'm looking for suggestions as to what animation/film festivals to attend. I have some extra vacation time I need to burn before the end of the year and I thought it would be fun to visit a festival. I have no location preference so fire away.
Thanks in advance,
ottawa, ottawa, ottawa
Hi Courtney,
I second OTTAWA. It happens in September in Canada. http://www.awn.com/ottawa/
There's also
SICAF in Korea (it's happening now) http://www.sicaf.org/
SIGGRAPH in Los Angeles (next week) http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/
CINEME in Chicago (September) http://www.cineme.org/
CHICAGO CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL (October) http://www.cicff.org/2004/fest.html
ALL ROADS FILM PROJECT in Los Angeles and Washington, DC (October)
Hope this helps. :)
Sharvonique Studios
Animated By Sharvonique Blog
AWN Showcase Gallery
Or alternatively, you could fly to Europe, hop to Spain, skip to Galicia and go to the Cartoon Forum. (September 22nd - 26th)
brilliant place to go because The Ministry will be there!
(How's that for a naughty bit of self promotion eh?!)