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Hello Everyone,

I'm looking for suggestions as to what animation/film festivals to attend. I have some extra vacation time I need to burn before the end of the year and I thought it would be fun to visit a festival. I have no location preference so fire away.

Thanks in advance,

ottawa, ottawa, ottawa

Hi Courtney,

I second OTTAWA. It happens in September in Canada. http://www.awn.com/ottawa/

There's also

SICAF in Korea (it's happening now) http://www.sicaf.org/

SIGGRAPH in Los Angeles (next week) http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/

CINEME in Chicago (September) http://www.cineme.org/

CHICAGO CHILDREN'S FILM FESTIVAL (October) http://www.cicff.org/2004/fest.html

ALL ROADS FILM PROJECT in Los Angeles and Washington, DC (October)

Hope this helps. :)


Sharvonique Studios

Animated By Sharvonique Blog

AWN Showcase Gallery

Cartoon Forum...

Or alternatively, you could fly to Europe, hop to Spain, skip to Galicia and go to the Cartoon Forum. (September 22nd - 26th)

brilliant place to go because The Ministry will be there!
(How's that for a naughty bit of self promotion eh?!)