can someone please give me some insight please. what is the most commonly used, or rather, what is the industry standard today for traditional 2d animation software? (broadcast and theatrical) im aware that many programs are using vector, whitch is right up my alley. can someone give me some advise? anytime i search for 2d animation software, i get lame links to crap like gif animators and flash
hajime mashite :) ogenki desu-ka?
glad someone likes it :) a moment ago someone refered to it as "juvenile", hmmmm...... im 30. i like girls. and i didnt see anything indecent about it or offending.....oh well.
hajime mashite :) ogenki desu-ka?
I don't mind it because it's not like it's something I've never seen, but I've certainly lived here long enough to know that sort of material is not to everyone's tastes. It's very much about her breasts, and their jiggling, and many people would see that as a crude plea for attention and nothing more, which irritates some people. My guess is you're going to get the full spectrum of opinions on that one.
i can understand that point for sure, im in no need for attention though, im an adult, and i am on many forums, and secure in my manhood> hahahah
i hope it doesnt offend anyone, i will remove it if necessary, but i just liked the avatar, thats all. i have this thing for japanese girls, and ,well, i guess you can see why i liked it, besides being an animation. anyway, you cant judge a book by its cover yes? i make no plea's for attention, so unless it offends someone, id liek to keep her:) thank you for the reply though...
hajime mashite :) ogenki desu-ka?
Not neccesarily saying it's an avatar I'd have, I can understand why many MAY be offended......
just saying it's tough as a red- blooded visually oriented heterosexual male to read Babar's post.
Wow. Stretch 'n' squash. overlapping action, great hook-up.....
No it's not a cry for attention; it's more like screaming into a bullhorn for attention.
I hope one of our female members finds an avatar of a large penis swaying back and forth and uses it. I'm sure that wouldn't offend anyone either as long as she was an adult, on many forums and was secure in her femininity.
Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida
sorry, but i dont hear anyone screaming into a bullhorn but you. i have had plenty of intellectual and stimulating conversation without the need to mention my avatar on this forum. like i said, if you find it offensive, i will remove it. i have asked this question politely of the other members several times. as far as a female using a dangling penis...hmmmm....more power to her :), seeing as how my avatar doesnt have a flexing vagina......
um, i dont understand your abrasiveness, your a moderator, if you dont like it, ask me to remove it. simple. i mean, that would be the way an adult would handle it right? not typing with your caps lock on like a maniac, man, that s*** is, as a token of my appreciation for this site, and its members, i am going to remove it, so that no one is offeded, and we can all talk in peace, without the evil womans boobies floating on the left hand side of our screens, ok?
then you may no longer make assumptions you know nothing about where i am concerned. my initial reaction to seeing this avatar was that i really liked it because it was a smooth piece of cg-gif animation, and that it was a really good rendering, minus the fact that i have a japanese girlfriend, find asian girls very attractive, and thought it was cute. bad babar...bad.....
you can take that valium now, its ok, no one gonnna say anything......
hajime mashite :) ogenki desu-ka?
If you think my argument is flawed (though I'm using your logic) then keep the swaying breasts; all I was doing is giving an opposing view. As a moderator I have absolutely no power to make you do anything, that's Dan's call.
But you have to admit the dancing kitty makes you warm and fuzzy inside.
Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida
at what point in time exactly did my logic turn into a motive for your argument?
your original assesment is that i needed or wanted attention, b4 the moral issues surrounding a pair of swinging breasts.
never once did i request the attention that ppl gave me indirectly because of the oh so troubling avatar. i joined this forum to have stimulating conversation. if avatars are the new signiture for all human motives, then my god i wont use one at all. i think a great chinese general once said "assumption is the mother of all f*** ups".
i posted a thread partaining to a specific feild of animation, a valid thread yes?
i joined a thread to share my opinion on an animation style that i am deeply involved with. again, that doesnt sound like a need for atttention, it sounds like someone trying to engage in intellectual conversation. if you truly followed my logic, you would have recognized that by now. (if you bothered to read any of my posts in those threads).
for what its worth, no hard feelings, i got no problems with my dancin necko-chan, he suffices as well as any other. but thanks for replying :)
hajime mashite :) ogenki desu-ka?
Running a search on these messageboards brings up a few titles, like Plastic Animation Paper. Not for GIFs, and certainly not Flash. DigiCel Flipbook allows you to draw directly into it..., etc.
no no, i meant google search, hehe, ive found some high end 2d animation software, like ctp pro, and offshoots of disneys software, i just want to know what the industry standard is. im going back to school for film/video animation, and i understand the process just fine, but the software is another story :)
thank you for replying :D
im proficient with vector illustration, and ive been illustrating for about 15 yrs now, so i wont have any problems, just wanted to know if everyone was using self-written software, or if everyone uses a small number of diferent programs.
hajime mashite :) ogenki desu-ka?
HUH? whazzat?....I was distracted by your avatar.
Do you realize how much concentration it takes to read your post?:D