Where should i start to become a VISUAL EFFECTS DIRECTOR??

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Where should i start to become a VISUAL EFFECTS DIRECTOR??

hi evr1,

I've this gr8 desire of becoming a visual effects director someday. I thought i could go to a film school but all i find in a film school curricullum is about just films and editing.i know that i should have some film knowledge too but i'm totally confused about what a VFX director is responsible for in a Film/Video production.

I'm intrested in VFX/SFX creations but not much of 3d animation. Can anyone help me suggesting what and where should be my initiation?

Are there any speacial schools for VFX/SFX?...do i need any pre-qualifications to get into'em?

i live in india,i don't mind going abroad for my studies but less expensive countries. If there is no other go i don't mind going for a expensive country either.

i need a 2-3 year program but not undergraduate coz' i'm allready a post graduate in software engineering.

Please someone suggest me a country and College with exact course that i suits me if thats the initiation that i've to take.

waiting for someones valuable reply.......



maybe this site can help

I have this great desire of becoming a visual effects director someday. I'm totally confused about what a VFX director is responsible for in a film/video production.

I thought I could go to a film school but all I find in a film school curriculum is just about films and editing.

Purple, because ice cream doesn't have any bones.

I need a 2-3 year program but not undergraduate because I'm already a post graduate in software engineering.

Unless you're engineering software to produce the effects, I don't see the relevance. If someone has a business degree and wants to become an astronaut they more than likely still have to take the beginner's-level astronaut classes.

Have you checked out the school database on this AWN site? It has countries from all over, and it lists what majors each school has, plus it's all in a searchable reading format, so you can quickly look up 'visual effects' or anything synonymous with that. I believe the URL is http://schools.awn.com/ .

hi evr1,

I've this gr8 desire of becoming a visual effects director someday. I thought i could go to a film school but all i find in a film school curricullum is about just films and editing.i know that i should have some film knowledge too but i'm totally confused about what a VFX director is responsible for in a Film/Video production.

I'm intrested in VFX/SFX creations but not much of 3d animation. Can anyone help me suggesting what and where should be my initiation?

Are there any speacial schools for VFX/SFX?...do i need any pre-qualifications to get into'em?

i live in india,i don't mind going abroad for my studies but less expensive countries. If there is no other go i don't mind going for a expensive country either.

i need a 2-3 year program but not undergraduate coz' i'm allready a post graduate in software engineering.

Please someone suggest me a country and College with exact course that i suits me if thats the initiation that i've to take.

waiting for someones valuable reply.......

Let's start with some easy questions:

What do you know about visual effects?

What books or magazines have you read on the subject? Do you subscribe to any trade magzines? Have you heard of Cinefex?

Do you know the names of any effects directors in the business?? Have you followed any of their work?
Have you ever built plastic model kits?
Worked in electronics?
Made your own films with a video or film camera?

Reason I ask this is you state that you have a great desire to become a visual effects director, but then you state that you are totally confused as to what such a person actually does.
Why would you want to pursue a career you know little about?
Is it the title? Or the image?

Answering thse questions for yourself might start the ball rolling as to whether or not this kind of career might be the best choice for you.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

allright...allright...i'm a newbie.....i accept that...


i accept that i know nothing in this field....but i wanted to startup from the scratch and i thought i could get some inspiring reply from this forum.I never was impressed by the name or fame (VFX/SFX director)....i just want to get totally involved in this filed and some how get into film/video industry.

well, experts (whoever replied me)...
Please suggest me is it the right choice what i've made?? (i.e.) switching my career.

because i've been wasting a year(doing some other work too) in web research in finding a good school that teaches me VFX (compositing,rotoscoping......etc)....

so as per you....should i forget about it ???

i've asked you to answer my questions which were

where should i start ???,
what should i know?,
whom should i meet?,
what are my initiatives?,
with what should i spend my time?(browsing or shooting or animating?)

i even know that to become VFX director just by doing a course in a college wont help me.

so, please someone reply me for these questions....

well, experts (whoever replied me)...
Please suggest me is it the right choice what i've made?? (i.e.) switching my career.

That's really a personal decision. You're in a scary place if you're relying in strangers on a messageboard to pick a direction for your life to go in. Patronizing people certainly isn't a start though, I can tell you that (and I'm not even an expert =)

so as per you....should i forget about it ???

i've asked you to answer my questions which were

where should i start ???,
what should i know?,
whom should i meet?,
what are my initiatives?,
with what should i spend my time?(browsing or shooting or animating?)

i even know that to become VFX director just by doing a course in a college wont help me.

Actually, your question were
What/where should my start be?
Are there any schools dealing specifically with special effects?
What are the requirements?

We already talked about letting others control your life, but that aside just because you might get discouraged is no reason to quit. As a matter of fact you'll have to have the toughest skin of almost any profession to succeed, so get a start by standing tall and burrowing through any emotional obstacles you might have because the challenges will only get greater as you go along.

Your start is with researching -- pretty healthy and you've got your hands in it already.

Yes, there are schools for that, and I provided a link for you to find them in the first reply.

To find out their requirements it's always best to ask the school firsthand, so go on a case-by-case basis and telephone/write them and get direct answers.

And no, just college won't help you, but college does help you in terms of refining your knowledge and professionalism, and can even help you get your first work and create connections in the field. Just provide a level of talent that seems unrealistic for a human being to even achieve, be a nice and cooperative sociable person, and play it smart.