My Animation Project

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My Animation Project


I just completed my animation project. Its called: Terra Cotta Horse Project. It's 10 Seconds long, 8MB, 320x240, and .avi format.

Here is the link:

ranmah's picture
Mah Productions "The only limitation is the mind."

Mah Productions
"The only limitation is the mind."


My biggest problem with it is yo dont see the front of the horse....just the back...also I would like to see its wire frame and poly count....if thats not a problem..... :)

Character Animator

Me and the Graph Editor have a understanding

I realize that many people don't like that part. I only showed the beginning section of the scene. I'm sorry if you didn't like that scene. I will have the full version in a month. I need to send this out to potential companies.

How do I show the poly count?

Mah Productions
"The only limitation is the mind."