Hi there!
New on this forum and wanted to share the progress of the series I'm developing, called The Bumps!
There's going to be lots happening with them over the next year but I thought I'd share their first video here:
Watch the Happy Bump Bump video
Would love to hear what you think of them...
... and happy Bump Bump!
Hi guys,
Just returned from post-bumptown holidays to find all your nice comments. Thanks! I'm working on other stuff from the same universe so I'll be sure to post that too!
Wow. That's pretty funny. I like it. It makes me think of the old game, A Boy and His Blob.
Hahaha, thats disturbingly cool! It actually reminds me of that segment out of Monty Python's about this cancerous spot on a prince's face that jumps off of him and starts his own life. Its like a town full of cancerous tumors starting a village or something...nevermind :p
Awshum stuff!
Really cool work my freind,
hey could you PM me I'd like to ask you a few questions about your work.