Blender's just amazing!

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Blender's just amazing!

I'd like to say that I think Blender 3D's amasing! I'm not being paid to say this, though I surpose the more people use it the more it will benifit me, as I'm quite skilled with it.

It's a full 3D program - WAY better that 3DS Max, though I guess that's quite a rubbish program - and It's freely downleadable from

Lowpoly Moddeling and setting up rigs is really fast,
It contains a Z-Brush - style sculpt Mode,
It has an inbuilt game engine,
Physics simulation for solid bodies, soft-bodies, fluid and particles,
You can paint textures directly onto the solids
Loads of python script add-ons available.

In the pipe-line, currently available in Beta Version: functions for hair you can comb, flocking simulation.

In fact, if you want an example of what you can only get with Open-Source Software, follow this link

The only thing it seems to be missing is camera-tracking, but this can be acheved through an external camera-tracking program.

yogyog's picture
Mike Futcher -

Mike Futcher -

I just wish I could figure out how to use it. :confused:

Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future:
I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York:

Ah yes, Blender! (Looks to the quicklink on his toolbar :D ) I downloaded this program about a year ago with intentions to make some kind of game. It really is an exceptional program, especially for being free! As for learning how to use it, I believe there's a link on the site (possibly the forums) to wikibooks all about learning to use Blender. I read through them and watched a series of videos in a night, more thoroughly the next day, and had no trouble getting started. It's pretty easy to use....I think I'll get back to messing around in it, I almost forgot I had it for a while. Thanks for the reminder ;)