(Satircal Short Film) Precise Peter

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(Satircal Short Film) Precise Peter

I'd like to share my graduation film Precise Peter with you guys.

Since the birth of his junior, precise Peter has been looking forward to this day! Finally the little
tyke will be introduced to the subtleties of the family ritual. The fish is ready, the garden prepared
and the sun is shining as planned. The great dinner ceremony may begin!

"Precise Peter" is a humorous reflection of a barbecue that could have happened in my family's
allotment garden. The father takes great pleasure in his ritual, as he has been perfecting it over
many years. His enjoyment can only be beaten by the fun his little son is experiencing, while trying
to be a part of the adult world.

Corresponding to the father's character, the world in the film is a geometric one. Every frame, step
and object has to match a 90-degree angle. The color spectrum is that of a vacation photo, lit up for
posterity by Photoshop. For the composition of this world, 3D Computer-Animation offered a precise
solution. To reach an exact definition though, the starting point was a very detailed, drawn animatic.

hope you enjoy..and I'm looking forward to getting some feedback, good and bad :)


Very nice, are you going to have to do some more with this family.

Thats Ace made me laugh great work.

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