Okay, so I have not mentioned this for a while.
Our son is actor, Matt Lauria who plays Luke Cafferty (#44) on Friday Night Lights. There are 2 episode left - which will complete the show's five year run.
Matt has been on the show the last two seasons. I think nbc.com has back episodes... and it is already out on DVD.
One more... you can see episodes of THE CHICAGO CODE on hulu,com. Matt stars as the young detective Caleb Evers. It was a great show that only lasted one season. It is playing in Europe now. FOX will rerun it this summer.
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thanks for the info...
Did "Friday Night Lights" get renewed?
I unfortunately came to Friday Night Lights way too late. I've recently watched them on DVD, and what a fantastic show. I wish I had realized how good it was during original airing, and helped spread word of mouth.
That being said, congratulations to your son, he is easily my favorite on the team along with Tim Riggins (Taylor Kitsch). I haven't caught Chicago Code yet, but will have to check it out. Good luck to your son, it looks like he has a heck of a future ahead of him!
FNL has been named on many, many critics' list as one of the top ten dramas on TV- ever. Many have it as number one.
Next week is the final episode of the series - and it will create some controversy.
The last two years have been a co-production deal between NBC and DirectV. The episodes were shown on DirectV first and then on NBC. Unfortunately, NBC scheduled it for Friday nights - thinking any other night would confuse the American public - I guess we are not very smart. Oh well, what can you say - suits!
I wonder how the public finds the reruns of Saturday Night Live?
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Hello Again,
Matt will guest star on BURN NOTICE next week... July 21st... on USA network - I think at 8:00 pm est. - check your local listings!
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