I started teaching myself animation as a hobby early this year and have had fun creating shorts with my friends. A couple guys from my office and I created this series about a marketing firm which takes its buzzwords far too seriously.
Our gimmick: each episode is a true story of something I or a colleague has actually witnessed. We've exaggerated a few elements for comedic effect, but the basic happenings of each episode are real events. (More of it is true than you would believe!)
The series can be found at http://horizons.gfcmedia.net - thanks for watching!
The story is an old one but I am sure that are people is still make those kind of phone calls.
Nice job for a first try.
Thanks for your comment. :) We finished a couple more episodes. You can see the latest one at http://horizons.gfcmedia.net/?pageID=10
I added some shading to the characters, and I think that really helps to improve the look. I would like the backgrounds to not be quite so bland, but I don't really know what I can do to improve them.
Thanks for watching!
I let this project sit for a few months so I could work on something big, but I finally made time for a couple more episodes. Enjoy! :)
I like the message, well thought out and executed. Do you have any plans on improving your animation. The non natural movement of your characters takes away for the message of you clip.