Need some advice

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Need some advice

Hello! I am new to this forum and I have a question for all the experts in the field. I am going to be attending college next fall, and I am torn in half between my heart and mind. I am an artist at heart. Sketching, drawing, painting, they are much more than a hobby for me. I can't explain what it feels like to create something, someone, on a piece of paper with my hands. Something I'm sure some of you experience. Often times I will be trying to fall asleep and be struck by a fiery desire to draw a scene that I just can not ignore. Art is a part of who I am, and extension of my being. My heart pines for a life as a 3D animator, spending my days creating characters and giving them life. Nothing would make me happier than spending my life doing that. But I've been reading posts on here, and I know the job prospect in the field isn't exactly something to put your hopes into. Because of that, my mind is telling me to play it safe and get a degree in science where I am basically promised a job. I would be happy with science I think, but then I would always have to live with the "what if" factor. I guess my question is: do I really have what it takes to make it as a 3d animator? I know how good I think my art work is now, and I know what my friends and family think. But compared to the people who have been successful in the field, how good am I really? Is it good enough? How good were the people who made it when they first started? Sorry for the novel, its just an internal battle I've been fighting for a very long time, and deadlines are coming up.