Hi all,
first of all, congratulations for the new site design.
Second, I'm looking for options to distributing my content online. The 'content' are traditional animation series about 20' long each. I live in Spain, and I have some distribution options there, but I'm looking for a platform that could help me deliver that content worldwide (or at least Europe, North America and Australia) as the content is in English. Everything excepting female voices is done by me, including music, scripts, animation...
My first choice would be Amazon Instant Video, as they do accept independent works. But here's my big question: Is it worth the while? I mean, they keep a 30% of the final price, they set the final price and there's a minimum running time of 20' for each work (that doesn't bother me very much though). If it is going to be me the one who will bring people to the work (I mean, I will do de PR job), what are they exactly bringing to the ecuation except from accepting payments and delivering the content, duties I could certainly offer directly from my website?
So, if you are in the mood and would like to share other options you know that might fit my needs I would thank you so much. Just to give a small idea of what I'm offering, I link a Youtube video which is the intro of one of the content (Arabian Nights series): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYDASOJfiug