Instead of making an animated short, we made an animated website!

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Instead of making an animated short, we made an animated website!

Hi there! How are you all?

My name is David Andrade and I run an animation studio called Theory Animation. Our characters Ray & Clovis are the odd-couple of the internet. Ray is a guitar-playing, sophisticated iguana, and Clovis is a cat with high energy, and low maturity.

We've been releasing their show on YouTube for a while now, but we realized it was too limited. Inspired by Homestar Runner and their interactivity, we built them an interactive website:

I'd love to know what you all think. As a bonus, here's a render :D!

Ray & Clovis animated

Haha. That's really cool. I

Haha. That's really cool. I liked the Arny bit haha. Really nice animation. I'd like to learn some 3D one day.

That's fun. I think

That's fun. I think interactive websites can have some good potentials, I would like to do something in that direction. What CMS? The cat paint was really good!

@oscarbaldwin Thanks for

@oscarbaldwin Thanks for watching man :) 3D is fun but difficult

@NickAtMix Thanks for the watch buddy! We want to keep exploring. Using Joomla with a heavily modified YooTheme on it