Is this an example of animation/4d cinema/motion design?

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Is this an example of animation/4d cinema/motion design?

These are cinematic trailers for a few games

i am interested in one day creating stuff like this and was wondering how these animations might have been created and what the name of techniques are.

would these be considered 4d cinema or motion design? or both?

Edited by: clear215 on 07/18/2016 - 7:30am
also is this the same thing

also what should i major in school to learn this stuff? graphic design?

Those are some very, very

Those are some very, very loaded questions which are nearly impossible to answer in a way which will satisfy you. 

When you look at a piece of work like this you need to deconstruct it and think of the work that went into it to really figure out the techniques. Given that these are game trailers the first thing to figure out is if it used the game engine or just the assets. If it did not use the engine, you're looking at the following disciplines: 

In the art department: 

  • Character Design
  • Clothing/Material Design
  • Coloration
  • Model Creation
  • Effects Creation
  • Rigging
  • Set Design
  • Background Design
  • Prop Design
  • Layout
  • Direction (Art direction) 
  • Storyboarding
  • Animation

In the Sound Department: 

  • Sound Direction
  • Composition
  • Scoring
  • Recording
  • Voice Acting
  • Sound Effects 

Outside of these areas there's many more disciplines at work. 

What these trailers would be categorized as is beyond me. The categories are often very broad and generally tend to encompass many things. 

I think you'll find you need to find a specific thing you really love, and major in something close to that but take all of your electives in the topic you love. Graphic design is likely to lead you more toward advertisement and printed design. If you have something specific you really love, you should reply and people here might have a suggestion.

Check out my blog, I could definitely use some feedback:

ah ok! thank you so much for

ah ok! thank you so much for the response