I Have an Idea for a 2d animated show, how can I get it on air?

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I Have an Idea for a 2d animated show, how can I get it on air?

So I have an Idea for a 2d animated TV show, and I have already writen part of the storyline, but I don't know where to go from there, I don't know how to pitch the idea to studios, or anything like that, so I would love any idvice you could give me to help me out.

There are book on making a

There are book on making a pitch. You will need an agent and a lawyer.

Yep, this dude is right.

Yep, this dude is right.

Wow that's not easy !!

Wow that's not easy !!

If you have funding I could

If you have funding I could create it for you in 3D.


My 2nd film Battle Oasis has over 8 million views on YouTube and has distribution in Brazil and the UK.

80's Show Teaser Trailer:

Children's Feature Film Pilot Animation:

Hey guys, I found these offer

Hey guys, I found these offer and it looks like a really good deal.. their examples look great as well for the price, but wondering if anyone here has used them before?

Here's their link:

