- The Cinanima International Animation Festival is celebrating its25th Anniversary. Competition and special animation screenings arehappening now through November 11, 2001 in Espinho, Portugal. For more information visit http://www.awn.com/cinanima/.
- The Art + Animation Symposium organized by Jayne Pilling and ASIFA-Portugal is taking place November 15 - December 10, 2001. It will include three performances (Music & Cinema by Pierre Hébert; Dance & Animation by Kathy Rose and another by Paul and Menno de Noijer); an Art Exhibition, from November 15th to December 7th (with works from Leif Marcussen; Gianluigi Toccafondo; Florence Miailhe, Erica Russel and a photographic essay on Alexeieff) and an animation workshop from November 26th to 30th by Florence Miailhe. For the detailed program and entry form visit http://asifa.net/portugal.