The acclaimed anime creative worked on many Studio Ghibli films, including ‘Princess Mononoke’ and ‘Grave of the Fireflies’ and was known for his grand cloud vistas, called ‘Nizō-gumo’ or ‘Nizō Clouds.’
Acclaimed anime art director Nizo Yamamoto passed away on August 19 after a battle with stomach cancer. He was 70 years old. Yamamoto was known for his signature grand cloud vistas, fondly nicknamed ‘Nizō-gumo’ or ‘Nizō Clouds.’
After attending art school in Tokyo, Yamamoto began his career working on background art for anime productions. He first cut his directorial teeth on Future Boy Conan, a series also helmed by Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. After the latter pair co-founded Studio Ghibli, Yamamoto was brought on to art direct many beloved Ghibli films, including Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Grave of the Fireflies, Princess Mononoke, and Weathering with You.
In addition to anime, Yamamoto also drew the art collection Gotō Hyakkei between 2010 and 2021, which beautifully depicted the landscape of his birthplace, Gotō City in Nagasaki Prefecture. His work was displayed in 2018 in his hometown, in an exhibit titled “Clouds Over Goto: Nizo Yamamoto Art Museum.” The creative was also illustrating a 120-page manga about a local folk tale before his passing.
Yamamoto is survived by his son Takao. A service will be held on August 27 in Hanno City in Saitama Prefecture in his honor.