The Art Institute Of California Offers New Animation Scholarships

High school seniors and international students interested in an animation education are invited to apply for scholarships for The Art Institute of California -- San Francisco's bachelor degree program in Media Arts & Animation. Scholarship awards are based on the quality of projects submitted by high school seniors who demonstrate ability and commitment in one of the school's programs of study. Students may qualify for part- or full-tuition scholarships. The Art Institute of California -- San Francisco offers a bachelor of science degree in Media Arts & Animation. The program teaches skills and technical knowledge to prepare students for entry-level positions in the animation industry. Scholarship Competition Entry Forms are available from The Art Institute of California -- San Francisco by emailing or by calling the school at (888) 493-3261 or (415) 865-0198. The entry deadline is April 30, 2003. For more information about scholarships or about the school's degree programs, visit
