The London Effects & Animation Festival (LEAF) in London, England Tuesday, November 13 - Thursday, November 15, 2001 is hosting a special Web Forum on Thursday afternoon, November 15 2001, from 2 pm to 5 pm, which will be chaired by AWN's Dan Sarto. Featured sessions will look at the technological developments driving animation work, the tools available for Web-based work and a panel discussion on the future of animation on the Internet. Representatives from Toon Boom, MediaPEGS and Pepper's Ghost will be participating. LEAF 2001 will also highlight the CG effects created for films such as OsmosisJones, The One, EL Bosque Animado, Axis and a multitude of commercials and pop promos. LEAF also includes technical and creative discussions and a behind-the-scenes look at projects produced and developed by Warner Brothers Studios, Passion Pictures, ILM, Sony Picture Imageworks, Filmtecknarna, PDI/DreamWorks and many more. Renowned animation guru Richard Williams will be hosting a mini Masterclass on Wednesday, November 14th, 2001 and will be available to autograph his new book The Animators Survival Kit. Other highlights of the festival include the LEAF Awards 2001which will be presented on Tuesday, November 13th at the Hippodrome, Leicester Square. The LEAF Awards 2001 will gather over 750 key figures in animation/CG including our distinguished panel of industry judges. For further details please visit