Canadian Red Cross Enlists Animator in Fight Against Malaria

Multi-award-winning animation producer and director Firdaus Kharas has been enlisted to create a series of Public Service Announcements as an educational tool for those trying to reduce malaria infections in Africa. Initial funding of $25,000 is being provided by the Canadian Red Cross to support the project.

"During my travels in Africa, I have been struck by the fact that more children die of malaria than any other disease," says Kharas. "I want to support the efforts of organizations like the Canadian Red Cross, which help prevent malaria through massive free net distributions in Africa."

Initially five spots will be created, with a total of 30 spots planned, subject to funding. The series will be provided free of charge to any organization that requests them. A comprehensive website ( is being developed where copies of tapes and DVDs can be requested online. The campaign builds on the success of "The Three Amigos," an animated HIV/AIDS prevention campaign currently in use in 72 countries.