Charles M. Schulz, creator of Charlie Brown, his dog Snoopy and the rest ofthe PEANUTS gang, has been diagnosed with colon cancer. The cancer wasdiscovered when the 76-year-old Schulz underwent emergency surgery lastTuesday for a blocked abdominal aorta. Schulz' wife Jean said doctors aredetermining the best course of treatment, which can include surgery, radiationand chemotherapy. One concern for doctors is that Schulz, who turns 77 onFriday, is still recuperating from the abdominal surgery. Since being movedout of the intensive care unit Friday, November 19, Schulz has been spendingtime with his family and resting comfortably. Considering Schulz works fiveweeks in advance, he has created enough new strips to fill papers through theend of the year and enough Sunday features to meet demand through February 14,2000. Get well soon Charlie Brown.