Comedy Central Resurrects Four Animated Series

Comedy Central has made a big move toward more adult-oriented animation fare by purchasing four animated series that had previously failed on U.S. television in primetime. According to VARIETY, the network has acquired DILBERT (30 half-hours), CLERKS (6 half-hours), GARY & MIKE (13 half-hours) and UNDERGRADS (13 half-hours). This move will be a special treat for Kevin Smith fans, as original network ABC yanked CLERKS after just two episodes. Comedy Central will air a CLERKS marathon on Sunday, December 22, 2002, including the four never-seen episodes. Bill Hilary, executive VP and general manager of Comedy Central told VARIETY: "These series all fit our brand. (We're) always on the lookout for edgy, provocative entertainment. We're the anti-network network." GARY & MIKE and UNDERGRADS will premiere on November 3, 2002 and play every Sunday at midnight. DILBERT and CLERKS will fill the same time slot beginning February 3.
