Animation production company Cornerstone Animation Inc. has acquired the rights to the comic book series MERIDIAN, and has begun developing an animated feature film based on the property. The agreement includes motion picture, television and ancillary rights to the adventure tale from CrossGen Comics. MERIDIAN tells the story of Sephie, the 16-year-old minister of the floating city of Meridian. Sephie struggles against her uncle Ilahn, the evil minister of Cacador, who tries to use her powers towards his own nefarious ends. Cornerstone Chief Creative Officer and co-founder Larry Whitaker, whose feature works include PETER PAN II: RETURN TO NEVER LAND, THE IRON GIANT, THE TIGGER MOVIE and MIGHTY JOE YOUNG, will co-write the script and plans to direct the animated feature. Branded Entertainments Michael Uslan, executive producer of the live-action BATMAN film and the animated series CARMEN SANDIEGO, is attached as executive producer.