Talk about surprises. With yesterdays dismissal of George Lucas final STARY WARS entry, REVENGE OF THE SITH, from the visual effects Oscar derby, it now looks to be a wide open race between KING KONG, WAR OF THE WORLDS and THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE. Why the snubbing of SITH from the visual effects branch of the academy? One rationale being offered is that it didnt raise the bar technically, while WAR OF THE WORLDS took people by surprise with its less is more approach.
Meanwhile, we finished January with our previs focus: The Prevalence of Previs, in which Janet Hetherington reports how its becoming more widely integrated into the production process; and The Holy Grail of Previs: Gaming Technology, in which Christopher Harz explores the promise of future convergence with game engines to better serve production needs.
Bill DesowitzEditor