Digital-Tutors Releases Maya Advanced: Ultimate Fluids

Digital-Tutors announced the worldwide availability of the MAYA ADVANCED: ULTIMATE FLUIDS training kit, the follow-up to the popular MAYA UNLIMITED: FLUID EFFECTS and latest release in a growing library of industry leading training resources for emerging digital artists. Using the combination of comprehensive project-driven training, Digital-Tutors is helping users to discover the difference and become their best in more than 3.5 hours of valuable training.

MAYA ADVANCED: ULTIMATE FLUIDS concentrates on mastering Maya's integrated fluid technology to achieve tremendous professionalism in simulating and rendering advanced fluid effects. Each interactive lesson is presented in clear and easy to follow steps, designed to save time and increase productivity throughout your workflow. A highly sought after topic and often viewed as incredibly complex, Digital-Tutors allows users to create fluid effects of tremendous professionalism using advanced techniques.

MAYA ADVANCED: ULTIMATE FLUIDS marks the second of many training kits released in our Advanced Series," said Sandip Patel, director of Global Business. "The demand for comprehensive training for Fluid effects is ever-growing and our newest release dives deeper and provides extensive projects to give users advanced techniques and concepts."

Popular topics covered in Maya Advanced: Ultimate Fluids include: creating realistic fire and smoke effects, Navier-Stokes Fluid Solvers, Spring Mesh Fluid Solvers, interacting fluids with particles, fine-tuning fluid container properties, expression-controlled fluids, advanced heat dynamics, combustible fluids, soft surface simulations, realistic liquid simulations, converting fluids to polygons and an array of additional lessons designed to give the user the ability to create stunning fluid effects with complete professionalism.

"In true Digital-Tutors fashion, we explain Maya fluid techniques that others often pass over, as well as bring new ones to light," added Sunder Iyer, senior 3D Curriculum Developer. "Using spring solvers to stimulate rain or learning how to ignite gasoline into an inferno are simple projects that are sure to make this kit fantastic. Users are sure to walk away with a deeper understanding of fluids and the ability to make their effects more impressive."

For a full outline and pricing information visit:

Digital-Tutors ( develops award-winning training solutions for artists of all expertise levels. Digital-Tutors is a division of PL Studios Inc., a respected leading innovator of training materials as well as a provider of related services, for both the consumer and professional markets.

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.