The Goethe-Institut is presenting a program featuring nine new animatedshort films from Germany. In conjunction with this screening AcademyAward-winning visual effects specialist, Volker Engel, will be speaking.The German-born animator will comment on the film selections and discussanimation and special effects in general. Engel's credits include visualeffects work on GODZILLA and INDEPENDENCE DAY, for which he won the Oscar.Films from Thomas Meyer-Hermann, Heinrich Sabl, Thomas Stellmach, TyronMontgomery and Kirsten Winter will all be featured at the event. There isalso an accompanying art exhibit at Chapman University. Admission is freeto the screening. Seating is on a first come, first serve basis. The eventtakes place Tuesday, November 16, 7 pm in Los Angeles, California, USA. TheGoethe-Institut is located at 5750 Wilshire Blvd Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA90036. Tel.: (323) 525-3388.