Film Roman, Inc. acquired the popular syndicated comic strip CHELSEA BOYS, created by Glen Hanson and Allan Neuwirth, with plans to develop a half-hour animated series. Peter Schankowitz, Film Roman's president of television programming & development and Sidney Clifton, Film Roman's vice president of development, will be developing the property along with the creators. The comic strip, currently appearing in magazines, newspapers and Websites throughout North America and the U.K. revolves around the lives and loves of three gay roommates residing in New York's trendy Chelsea neighborhood. "Not since ALL IN THE FAMILY have we seen a comedy with the types of textured characters and stories featured in CHELSEA BOYS. Here's a family you've never seen before, and storytelling that speaks the truth rather than playing to stereotypes," said Peter Schankowitz. "We're excited to work with Glen and Allan in bringing these rich stories to the small screen." Glen Hanson is an internationally acclaimed designer, illustrator, writer and art director. His credits include SPY GROOVE, BEETLEJUICE and DARIA. Allan Neuwirth writes and designs for a wide variety of media and he is the award-winning author and designer of screenplays, books, toys, games, CD-Rom projects and commercials. His recent credits include COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG, WUBBULOUS WORLD OF DR. SEUSS and BIG BAG.