Animated non-dialogue series GAZOON is continuing its success heading into the summer, with NRK Norway, Cartoon Network Japan and TV2 Denmark, YLE Finland, Voxell for Russia Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Krgyzstan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania as well as Jim Jam for Pan Europe and Asia all licensing the series. Airlines in Portugal, Asia and the Middle East have also recently taken the series.
Produced by Sparkling and co-produced with TF1 France, GAZOON, (39x 3'30), an animated comedy with a tender and surreal touch, follows a group of wild animals in the African savanna.
The series is Monster's first from France and its fastest-selling series ever, and has already been sold to Rai Italy and Entertainment Unlimited South Africa.