George Lucas & Steven Spielberg give to USC School of Cinema-Televison

George Lucas has donated $1.5 million, while Steven Spielberg has donated $500,000 to the USC School of Cinema-Television to help fund the new, yet-to-be-built Robert Zemeckis Center for Digital Arts. The Lucas money will help build a sound stage which will be named for Akira Kurosawa. In addition to the Kurosawa digital stages with motion-control computers, the Zemeckis Center will feature non-linear editing and shooting systems; CGI classrooms and multimedia cable connections; a screening room with studio-quality 16mm, 35mm and video projection capabilities; a digital editing bullpen with at least 60 stations; suites for digital sound and picture editing; and digital compositing equipment such as a Quantel Domino special effects workstation. Dean Elizabeth Daley praised both individuals stating, With his gift, George Lucas continues to demonstrate his heartfelt support of filmmaking talent at USC. Steven is such an enthusiastic supporter of the School of Cinema-Television. He understands how vital it is for young filmmakers to be trained on the most advanced technological systems.
