Holland Animation Film Festival Issues 2016 Call for Entries

The deadline for submissions to HAFF 2016 is Tuesday, December 1, 2015.

The Holland Animation Film Festival has issued a call for entries for the 2016 edition of the festival.

Celebrating its 31st anniversary in 2016, HAFF is the largest animation film festival of the Netherlands highlighting films from art-house and commercial to cartoons and 3D. The deadline for entries is Tuesday, December 1, 2015.

Submissions are now being accepted for the following competitions:

  • Feature Competition -- The international competition for feature-length animation films.
  • Short Film Competition -- In the categories narrative and non-narrative.
  • Student Film Competition -- Open for all films produced at art and film academies, or comparable studies.
  • Dutch Animation Competition (jury awards, audience award) -- Open only for Dutch productions: shorts, student films, TV films and commissioned films (shorts and student films can also enter those international competitions through the same entry form).

Entry forms are available at www.haff.nl/en/professionals/application-form-competitions-2016. To submit their work, entrants must register for a MyHAFF account or use an existing account.

The Holland Animation Film Festival is the unique five-day international meeting place for all professionals, animation lovers, students, upcoming talents and all interested audiences. The festival features competitions, thematic programs, master classes, talk shows, exhibitions and installations.

Source: Holland Animation Film Festival 

Jennifer Wolfe's picture

Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.