Hook up with AWN at SIGGRAPH

The 26th International Conference on Computer Graphics and InteractiveTechniques, is taking place in Los Angeles, August 8-13, 1999. AWN isparticipating in the SIGGRAPH '99 Electronic Schoolhouse, a new programproviding educators and students with an environment in which they canexplore and learn the many ways in which computer graphics are taught andused in the classroom. The Electronic Library, as both a meeting place anda resource space, offers attendees reference material and resources othereducators and student find invaluable in their studies. As a leadingpublication in the animation field, Animation World Magazine will beoffered in the Electronic Schoolhouse Library for on-line reference.Printouts of individual articles will be made available to students byrequest.

AWN will be present in force at the show. If you would like to scheduleappointments with any of us, please call (323) 468-2554 before August 5, orsend an email to annick@awn.com.

The August '99 issue of Animation World Magazine, online August 1, willfeature four preview articles which highlight different facets of theSIGGRAPH Convention. From the most exciting exhibitors to the coolest newfilms in the Electronic Theater, we tell you what not to miss!
