iXL, a New York Internet consulting firm offering end-to-end strategic, creative and technology solutions, has wrapped on two new promos for Comedy Central's new series STRIP MALL, starring comedian Julie Brown. Produced by New York-based Fowler Media's David Fowler and edited by iXL's Rob Ortiz, the 30-second "Brown and Dirty" and "Headlines" highlights the antics of the new series. The spot mixes quotes from various reviews intertwined with clips from the series. "The key to the STRIP MALL spots was to synchronize the graphics showing the reviews with show content," said Ortiz. "I used the Avid to edit a good base layer of the spot and to animate the titles, then send it to [iXL colleague Mark Trzepla] down the hall, who used Adobe After Effects to seamlessly integrate the content and graphics. That way, Mark and I were able to work at the same time, so the spots only took a few days to complete. It was great integrating Avid and After Effects, because the flexibility of nonlinear allowed us to change our minds midstream if we wanted to. We were quite pleased with the results."