HESTON, animation director J.J. Sedelmaier's final TV FUNHOUSE segment forSATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, aired Saturday, October 2 on the comedy show's seasonpremier, which was hosted by comedian Jerry Seinfeld. Sedelmaier's finalvignette, which concludes his three-year collaboration with writer RobertSmigel, lampooned the NRA's pro-gun position by using real audio of NRApresident, actor Charlton Heston, addressing Congress combined withdialogue from his PLANET OF THE APES movies and THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, inwhich he played Moses. While J.J. Sedelmaier Productions, which is based inWhite Plains, New York, will no longer create the animated SATURDAY NIGHTLIVE TV FUNHOUSE segments on a weekly basis, Sedelmaier says he willcontinue to collaborate with writer Robert Smigel on special projects suchas an AMBIGUOUSLY GAY DUO comic book, based on the award winning TVFUNHOUSE Batman and Robin parody. The comic book will be published as aninsert in the December 1999 issue of PLAYBOY MAGAZINE. Sedelmaier will alsoremain available for individual TV FUNHOUSE projects. "Working with Roberton SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE has been a great experience in terms of the creativecontent and the notoriety we've gained," said Sedelmaier, "but the demandsof running the studio, and my fear that many in the commercial industrywill think it's all we do, made the decision for me. I've spent eight yearsbuilding an animation studio that prides itself on not having any onespecific style and I don't want anything to jeopardize our hard-wonreputation."