Lou Dobbs Says ‘Secret World of Arrietty’ and ‘The Lorax’ are Left-Wing Propaganda

Conservative political talk show host Lou Dobbs announced on his show, “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” that animated features “The Secret World of Arrietty” and “Dr. Seuss' The Lorax” are left-wing propaganda.

Apparently, The Secret World of Arrietty and Dr. Seuss' The Lorax represent liberal Hollywood’s attempt to indoctrinate children. The accusations from media personalities on the right were probably inevitable, given similar charges leveled at Cars 2, Happy Feet 2 and Muppets, where similar political themes are explored to one extent or another.

This time, according to a report by The Hollywood Reporter, the proclamation of left-wing propaganda comes from Lou Dobbs, who hosts Lou Dobbs Tonight on the Fox Business Network.

During his Tuesday night show, Dobbs dubbed Disney’s Arrietty and Universal’s Lorax “insidious nonsense from Hollywood,” then he announced: “Hollywood is once again trying to indoctrinate our children.” (watch the video, below)

Arrietty, about four-inch people who “borrow” what they need from normal-sized humans, encourages class envy and redistribution of wealth, according to Dobbs, while Lorax is just another example of environmental radicalism.

“So, where have we all heard this before?” Dobbs asks after showing a clip from each of the two films.

Then he answers himself: “Occupy Wall Street forever trying to pit the makers against the takers and President Obama repeating that everyone should pay their fair share.”

Dobbs also played clips of Obama repeating the mantra.

“Wow. Fair share,” says Dobbs. “The president's liberal friends in Hollywood targeting a younger demographic using animated movies to sell their agenda to children.”

Dobbs hosted three talk-radio guests to discuss the matter. Steve Cochran said he didn’t share Dobbs’ concern, “Because I know the people in Hollywood and, frankly, they’re not that bright.”

“I just don’t think Hollywood has got that kind of power in the big picture and I refuse to allow parents off the hook to say they do,” Cochran said.

Dom Giordano disagreed.

“Parents need a break, also. We need a safe harbor,” he said.

“What we’re doing is creating occu-toddlers,” said Matt Patrick, who joked that the anti-consumerism, pro-environmental messages should be countered by moviegoers who purchase lots of popcorn and candy then leave the trash on theater floors.

Lorax opens March 2 and Arrietty opened Friday and has taken in $9 million domestically thus far.

Jennifer Wolfe's picture

Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.