Macromedia, Inc., leading publisher of Web publishing tools such asDreamweaver, Fireworks and Generator, is offering a multi-city Generator 2Seminar and Training Series for Internet professionals seeking successfulonline solutions for e-business, e-commerce, financial services, news &information and advertising. Generator 2 delivers targeted, real-timegraphics and interactivity for Web sites that feature on-demand content.Attendees will learn how Ford Motor Company, Internet Shopping Network andother leading companies maximize their customers' online experience usingGenerator 2 to help them deploy interactive, automated, and personalizedWeb content. Real world case studies highlighting industry leaders Oracleand Sun will be featured. The three-hour series is limited to the first 100registered attendees. Seminars are currently scheduled for the followingdates and locations: September 28, Washington, DC; October 12, San Diego;October 19, Seattle; October 26, Vancouver; November 2, Toronto; November9, Minneapolis; November 16, Detroit; November 18, Chicago; and December 8,San Francisco. For more information visit