Planet X Animation is looking for a 2D/3D ANIMATOR to create 3-10 minute segments of own design or follow a script. . . El Segundo, California-based Inertia Pictures, a growing animation development and production house, is looking for 2D/3D/FLASH ANIMATORS. . . Newark, New Jersey-based Genie Network, a revolutionary entertainment company, is looking for a 3D ANIMATOR MODELER. . . Liontown Family Entertainment, a production company with offices in Munich, Germany, and soon Los Angeles, U.S.A., is looking for an ACTION-PROP DESIGNER, ANIMATION SCRIPT/SCREENWRITER and LAYOUT-ARTIST for animated TV and feature productions. . . Greensburg, Pennsylvania-based DreamForge Intertainment Inc., a computer game development company, is looking for ANIMATORS for an original action-adventure game and a prominent PC game. . . Santa Monica, California-based Xoop, Inc., a software company, is looking for FREELANCE ANIMATORS to work in developing and executing animated promotional pieces as part of the company's viral marketing campaign. . . Madrid, Spain-based Animagic Studio, a traditional animation company is looking for a SENIOR 2D ANIMATOR. . . Luxembourg-based Oniria Pictures, an audiovisual production company specializing in animation, is looking for a COMPOSITING ARTIST with experience on After Effects to work on a TV Series. . . Portland, Oregon-based Will Vinton Studios, a leading animation studio specializing in CG and stop-motion character animation for commercials, TV and film, is looking for a COMPOSITOR and a MAYA TECHNICAL DIRECTOR. . . Planet X Animation, a brand new production and distribution company featuring adult animation for both Internet and video releases, is looking for a FLASH ANIMATOR. . . The Art Institutes International at San Francisco is looking for PART-TIME INSTRUCTORS in the areas of Color Theory, Introduction to Advertising, Computer Applications and 3-D Animation for the fall semester. . . Cambridge, UK-based Cambridge Animation Systems, a leader in cartoon animation, is looking for an Animo PRODUCT SUPPORT CONSULTANT. . . Stratford Internet Technologies, an Internet communication company, is looking for a SENIOR FLASH ANIMATOR for a 3 to 5-minute Flash-based cartoon animation for the Web on a set time-line. . . Burbank, California-based Rich-Crest Animation, a company creating interactive Websites, is looking for a WEB DESIGNER.
For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's Career Connections, the online Animation Job Fair.