Based on the extremely popular Japanese animated franchise, anime series ‘Little Battlers eXperience’ debuts in the U.S. on Nicktoons Sunday, August 24, at 10:00 a.m. ET; ‘LBX’ will be unveiled and promoted for the first time at San Diego Comic-Con.
SANTA MONICA, CA -- Little Battlers eXperience (LBX) -- an original concept created by LEVEL-5 based on an extremely popular Japanese animated franchise -- will debut in the U.S. on Nicktoons Sunday, August 24, at 10:00 a.m. ET. LBX will be unveiled and promoted for the first time at San Diego Comic-Con in July.
This new 26-episode animated series is being produced by Dentsu in association with Rollman Entertainment. President and CEO Eric S. Rollman is a seasoned executive and producer and a two-time Emmy nominee well known for his television work on Spider-Man, X-Men, Iron Man, Digimon and NFL RUSH ZONE.
LBX follows the adventures of miniature customizable robots and the kids who interact with them. Van, the main protagonist, competes in an ongoing series of LBX robot battles to stop villains, and to save his kidnapped father. Each miniature robot is customized and programmed by its teen owner, and battles are based on their commands. Though the robots are tiny, they fight with the energy and ability of mega-machines, leading to epic battles with high stakes.
"LBX has been one of Japan's biggest boys-action hits. Our team has a lot of experience in animated action, and LBX really stood out both in terms of its powerfully unique storyline, and its sophisticated visual appeal," said Rollman. "We are having a lot of fun working on the series!"
"With the LBX franchise, we are coordinating the series launch to coincide with merchandise availability at retail this fall and winter," said Yuma Sakata, President and CEO, Dentsu Entertainment USA, Inc. "Our North American creative team behind the franchise, coupled with a coordinated merchandise launch, has become a hallmark of our success in the U.S. market."
Viewers can check out for additional information about the series including show trailers, episodic clips, picture flipbooks, and more.
Bandai America is already on board with their SprüKits models and Dentsu is currently seeking additional partners in all licensing and merchandising sectors.