Magicians Penn & Teller willguest star on the September 10th episode of's WHIRLGIRL, Showtime'sanimated online series about a sexy, 21st century cyber-heroine. "We sawPenn & Teller's wise-guy approach to magic and their cult-like appeal as aperfect fit for the WhirlGirl audience," says WHIRLGIRL creator DavidWilliams of New York-based Visionary Media, producer of the series."Besides, who else but Penn & Teller could pull off the'Throwing-Knives-at-a-Super-Heroine-On-A-Roulette-Wheel' stunt?" TheWHIRLGIRL guest spot is the Internet acting debut for Penn & Teller, whohave been entertaining audiences together since 1975 and have appeared onnumerous TV shows and movies. "In all of my inter-dimensional travels,intersecting with WHIRLGIRL, if you know what I mean, was one of myhappiest coincidences," says Penn Jillette, the speaking member of the act.The WhirlGirl episode, entitled "Beating the Odds," is set in futuristicLas Vegas, and will be available beginning at 1:00 pm ET on Friday,September 10. New WhirlGirl episodes appear each Friday at 1:00 pm ET For those of you who would like to follow in Penn & Teller'sfootsteps and guest star on WHIRLGIRL, is offering a Win a Role onWHIRLGIRL Sweepstakes. The winner will be awarded an all expenses paid tripto New York to star opposite WhirlGirl on the season finale. The contestends September 13. To enter, go to
To learn more about WhirlGirl and Visionary Media read Lee Dannacher's "TheBig Apple's Silicon Valley" in the August 1999 issue of Animation WorldMagazine.