Side Effects Software Hosts Houdini Annual Meeting At Siggraph 2002

A Web-slinging superhero, fire-breathing dragons and bite-sized chocolate with a hard candy shell.What do these things have in common? They were all created usingHoudini 3D animation software. Side Effects Software, developer ofthe Houdini family of software, will be presenting visual effectsartists from Sony Pictures Imageworks (SPIDER-MAN), Walt DisneyFeature Animation (REIGN OF FIRE) and Rhinoceros Visual Effects(commercials for M&M's) at its annual Houdini meeting in San Antonio,Texas during SIGGRAPH 2002. The meeting will take place on Sunday,July 21, 2002 at 4:00 pm, and will feature an incredible slate ofproject and technology demonstrations. Presenters will include TheoVandernoot, senior visual effects artist at Sony Pictures Imageworks,Walt Disney Feature Animation technical supervisor Hank Driskill, andVincent Serritella, a digital artist at New York-based RhinocerosVisual Effects & Design. Side Effects Software will also demonstratethe most recent developments in Houdini 3D software,including the feature enhancements of Houdini 5.5. In addition, eachperson attending the meeting will receive a unique full-featurednon-commercial version of Houdini. The event is open to 3D artists ofall levels, and will be followed by a reception at the meeting venue.To register for the event, go
