Animation veteran to serve as Animation Supervisor on Disney’s live-action reboot of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ at Framestore’s Montréal studio.
MONTREAL, QUEBEC -- Framestore has announced the arrival of animation veteran Spencer Cook who has joined the team as Animation Supervisor on Disney’s much-awaited Beauty and the Beast.
Inspired by animation from an early age, Spencer began his career in stop-motion animation, working across mediums including Commercials and TV across the globe and for clients including MTV and the SciFi channel. His eventual move to Hollywood saw him work as lead animator for Sony Pictures Imageworks on the Academy Award nominated Hollow Man. He continued working for Sony on Sam Raimi's Academy Award nominated Spider-Man, was promoted to animation supervisor for The Wachowski's Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions, and then back onto Raimi’s Spider-Man 3, for which he was nominated for a BAFTA and VES award.
Based at Framestore in Montréal, Spencer will be an instrumental member of the senior animation team who guide and shape the character animation department, lending his creative and client-focused talent to the making of great films. As a self-confessed “creature guy” Spencer chose to join Framestore because of the history of strong creature animation and is excited to “continue to bring fantastic creatures to life in bigger and better ways.”
Source: Framestore