Stop-motion animated series ‘Dimitri,’ produced by French studio Vivement Lundi!, and ‘We Can't Live Without Cosmos’ by Konstantin Bronzit receive Golden Dolphin awards at the 8th Cyber Sousa international animation festival organized by ASIFA-China in the City of Xiamen.
This past weekend, the stop-motion animated series Dimitri and We Can't Live Without Cosmos by Konstantin Bronzit both received Golden Dolphin awards at the 8th Cyber Sousa ̶ Xiamen International Animation Festival organized by ASIFA-China in the City of Xiamen. The festival ran this year August 21-24.
The event marked the Chinese premiere of preschool series Dimitri, which picked up the award for Best Animated TV Series in the international competition. Created and directed by Agnès Lecreux alongside co-directors Ben Tesseur and Steven de Beul, Dimitri is produced by French studio Vivement Lundi! with co-production partners Beast Animation (Belgium) and Nadasdy Film (Switzerland). Written by Matthieu Chevallier, Dimitri first aired on France 5 in the “Zouzous” program in spring 2014 has already been sold to fifteen countries. The winning episode, “Tears of the Crocodile,” has already been awarded at the Ottawa International Animation Festival in 2014 where it won the prize for the Best Animated Series for Kids.
Bronzit’s We Can't Live Without Cosmos, which was awarded the Cristal at Annecy earlier this year, received the Golden Dolphin award for Best Animated Short in the international competition. Produced by Russian animation studio Melnitsa, the poignant and hilarious short film about two inseparable astronauts-in-training also won the top prize at Animafest Zagreb 2015 in Croatia and the prestigious Anča Award at Slovakia’s Fest Anča.
Source: Vivement Lundi!