Store Special: Yuri Norstein's artwork, in honor of his coming to California

Yuri Norstein is considered one of the most remarkable directors to emergefrom the current generation of Russian animators. Norstein will be inCalifornia this upcoming week for an exceptional tour of major studios anduniversities. His California tour includes: ASIFA San Francisco and De AnzaCollege on Sunday, October 17; Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) on Monday,October 18; UCLA and CalArts on Tuesday, October 19; the Disney Studios andUSC on Wednesday, October 20; L.A. Art Centre & ASIFA-Hollywood onThursday. October 21; L.A. Community College on Friday, October 22; Pixaron Monday, October 25; and Pacific Data Images on Tuesday, October 26,1999. For detailed information, contact Joan Borsten at Films by Jove, tel.(818) 506-0550, fax (818) 752-0387, email .

Limited Edition Autographed Prints from Yuri Norstein's "Tales of Tales" and "Hedgehog in the Fog" are available for sale in the AWN Store. Each print, made in Russia from the drawings Norstein used to develop hischaracters, is hand signed by Norstein. Most of the proceeds from saleswill go to help finance the ongoing production of "Overcoat," Norstein'sfamous work in progress. He began "Overcoat" after completing "Tale ofTales" in 1978, and it is based on a famous story by Nikolai Gogol. This isa very limited offer, with the print value at $100.00. We only have 15copies available of each print, so don't miss out!

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Norstein films are available on video in "The Masters of RussianAnimation," an extraordinary collection of Russia's most important animatedshort films. This collection includes seven individual tapes, and isavailable in 3- or 7-tape packages. Coming at the end of October, 1999, wewill offer a new version of "Volume 5 - The Norstein Collection," whichwill include all of his works, digitally remastered from new prints:"Battle Of Kerjenets" (with Ivanov-Vano), "Rabbit And Fox," "25th - FirstDay," "Heron And Crane," "Hedgehog In The Fog," and "Tale Of Tales."

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Also, soon to be released is Volume 8, which will include films by AndreiKhrjanovsky, as well as the works of women directors, including three byNina Shorina, who is also visiting California with Norstein.
