Store Specials: Computer Animation videos and the Ottawa 2000 festival catalog

- The Ottawa 2000 International Animation Festival Catalog: No need to worry if you are unable to attend this year's Ottawa International Animation Festival. The bilingual festival catalog is now available for sale for $15. It includes information about 100 short films featured at this year's competition and many in-depth articles such as: "There Once Was A Man Called Pjotr Sapegin" by Chris Robinson; "Dogs, Drinks, Dads And Dantes: The Life(?) And Art of Paul Fierlinger" by Chris Robinson; "From Boop to Bop And Beyond: A Toonful Tale Of Jazz And Animation" by Marc Glassman and Mark Langer; "Profiles Of Gene Deitch" by Jerry Beck and Adam Snyder; "Bermuda Shorts: Ten Years After" by Heidi Bohme; and more!

- Computer Animation Celebration: This video contains 23 award-winning computer-animated shorts from international festivals such as Imagina, the London Effects & Animation Festival, the Softimage Student Animation Contest, SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater and ResFest.

- Computer Animation Festival Volume 1: Witness a colorful collection of 21 award-winning computer animation shorts, including PDI's "Locomotion," MIT's "Grinning Evil Death" and Todd Rundgren's music video "Change Myself."