Based on the children’s fantasy book series by Adam Blade, the adaptation will follow the adventures of Tom and Elenna on their quest to protect the Kingdom of Avantia from the evil wizard Malvel.
SUPERPROD Group and Coolabi Group will team to develop and produce the animated series Beast Quest, based on the children’s high fantasy book series by Adam Blade and created by Coolabi’s Working Partners. Remaining faithful to the books, the animated series will follow the adventures of Tom and Elenna on their quest to protect the Kingdom of Avantia from the evil wizard Malvel.
“I could not be happier that one of our most successful and much-loved book brands is being brought to life with the exceptional creative team at SUPERPROD,” said Jeremy Banks, chief executive, The Coolabi Group. “Created by our very own story team at Working Partners and cherished through every book written, Beast Quest is a publishing phenomenon that resonates with kids today every bit as much as it did when it first launched almost 20 years ago. We can’t wait to bring the series to screens and devices around the world.”
The series will leverage SUPERPROD Group’s Wheel in Motion in the UK, The Coproduction Company in the USA, Red Monk Studio in Italy, Melusine in Luxembourg and Superprod Animation in France. The series will be distributed by Superights, SUPERPROD’s international sales arm.
"Beast Quest represents a key moment for us," said Wheel in Motion’s Alexi Wheeler. "This is a beloved brand with immense storytelling potential. With its action-packed narrative and a vast universe of creatures, we are confident that the animated series will capture the imagination of a new generation of viewers, just as the books have done for nearly 20 years."